aaalso .. we even think zurpck the second September 2009, at which I donated to my 1-day-free train travel card, used to go to Matsumoto . The city is located midway between Tokyo and Nagano, therefore, took the ride with the local trains for 6 hours. Since I had when transferring some time, I used them to give me the ruins of Kofu to look at.

At 12 I was finally in Matsumoto and strode off with two major goals: 1 The black and white-washed look Matsumoto Castle, 2 a little Japanese picture for Grandma and Grandpa are looking for. Since a goal was much easier to achieve this was first on the scene. However, I had to but well worth a detour in the Frog Street make. After all, there was a frog-shrine!

That, moreover, a kanji (word) game. Frog unit in Japanese kaeru go back home and also means kaeru . Only with other kanji, of course. That is why many Japanese have lying around the entrance frogs, because that is to just get lucky in the sense that more and all come home again.

The road was not really old, but did Sun Since it was lunch time, I could not help but go at last to time in such a small restaurant: a ramen shop with just four seats. However, it looks in a store always somehow as if they were talkative with the people in the (residential) kitchen landed. ^ ^ The man who praised the German films of the 50s and got the same out his harmonica to his favorite Film play music. He also donated Wassermelonme me 3 slices for dessert. :) So you see, (if you .. uh .. ignore the usual semi-clean state can) this is a wonderful opportunity to talk with the people and the questioning about the country and its people. ^ ^
Next we went to Matsumoto's gem. The castle.

Special feature: It is black. That's always the thing with the few remaining castles in Japan - they look pretty much the same, and all are white. Dancing in Matsumoto as the only out of line, but no one knows why. -_-°
The castle is a very, was, of course, but now and then repaired, etc., so it for example, quite modern rectangular loopholes for bows and arrows and square are for rifles. Also very practical: Upstairs there is a gap between floor and wall, through which one can deal if need be unlucky, and other niceties.
began after the Castle the arduous path to the goal No. 2 A picture of Grandma and Grandpa. And do not speak any! As if it is not difficult Genung would raise any pictures at all (traditional) Japanese style, even Grandma & Grandpa small (especially small-grandmother!) Is a Mühsahl no other. But suddenly stood in front of the window (see right), hung in the small scrolls and paintings. The chance! The only remaining interesting question: Was ever a business? Looked a bit like someone's work city. But who knows little shops in Japan looked like a little bit of confusion .. On the one hand, no one was there and there were no opening times, etc. on the disc. On the other hand, the showcase but a sliding door that was unlocked ... hm. After much deliberation I decided to take the entrance and called out 3 x "Sumimaseeeeen" through space. No answer. None came. O_o ... maybe someone just threw it at home? So I would rather be out again soon (but not without photo ^ ^). Well, so much for this attempt.
In the search for shops I saw a major difference between Tokyo and a "normal" city. Although it was seen in Matsumoto hardly an empty house, it was mainly at the edge of the center down to the residential houses some funny creations, as I have never experienced in Tokyo.
The castle is a very, was, of course, but now and then repaired, etc., so it for example, quite modern rectangular loopholes for bows and arrows and square are for rifles. Also very practical: Upstairs there is a gap between floor and wall, through which one can deal if need be unlucky, and other niceties.

began after the Castle the arduous path to the goal No. 2 A picture of Grandma and Grandpa. And do not speak any! As if it is not difficult Genung would raise any pictures at all (traditional) Japanese style, even Grandma & Grandpa small (especially small-grandmother!) Is a Mühsahl no other. But suddenly stood in front of the window (see right), hung in the small scrolls and paintings. The chance! The only remaining interesting question: Was ever a business? Looked a bit like someone's work city. But who knows little shops in Japan looked like a little bit of confusion .. On the one hand, no one was there and there were no opening times, etc. on the disc. On the other hand, the showcase but a sliding door that was unlocked ... hm. After much deliberation I decided to take the entrance and called out 3 x "Sumimaseeeeen" through space. No answer. None came. O_o ... maybe someone just threw it at home? So I would rather be out again soon (but not without photo ^ ^). Well, so much for this attempt.

In the search for shops I saw a major difference between Tokyo and a "normal" city. Although it was seen in Matsumoto hardly an empty house, it was mainly at the edge of the center down to the residential houses some funny creations, as I have never experienced in Tokyo.

I passed even at other sites, such as a school and a former samurai residence, which had been hidden somewhere in the neighborhood.

evening I came back late in Matsumoto and welcomed two new arrivals in the house - two Polish woman who stayed for a month.
On third September, a Thursday, had I actually slow me worry to make up my luggage, but it was again busy. Lars , a fellow student from Hall, whom I the whole semester I accidentally ran over only once on the way, had invited friends to his birthday and since I could not miss. :) So it went back to Tsukishima Monjayaki -Essen. Nice, was that Lyly could come too again.

Stefan (who must creep in simply all pictures!), Lyly, *-*, Jap. + Lars and his German friend
Later, on the whole, then something ridiculous proportions. ^ ^
On Friday took place my last meeting with Sarah . That said, I was not yet on the campus of the University Senshuu been. I must admit that I was the first moment I saw Sarah, I asked, obs is the outfit (you never know), but the eye patch was unfortunately real. We had to also pay a visit to the ophthalmologist first, before we could begin our tour. Although it was unfortunately just a little short visit, because in the end nothing more Sarah saw it was very beautiful.

Sarah outside the entrance of the University Senshuu
Saturday was still packing etc. announced and so is the year at Keio in Japan and already over. "Zuuuuut" - went so fast this O_o.
So I would like to take this Opportunity to thank to all the helpful readers and commentators of this blog and of course common to all dear friends and relatives who have this year can be so beautiful!