Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Good Idea For A Poster About Fire Preventions

passion ...

Last night was the last performance in Shingzu, somewhere in the Taiwan Province ... It was an old-fashioned, excessive cinema audience, but had a nice atmosphere. Only ... it looked like the cleaning service in alsob Shingzu been on strike a few years ... All dancers had maybe 4 levels, the day room for the whole orchestra was about as big as 5 Toiletträume - and especially toilets, we had like to have a bit more - a toilet for about 100 men is not exactly abundant, especially when even The toilet paper missing ... After the first discovery in the orchestra pit, which I have not achieved the way without risking his life (how to get there really? So, large cargo elevator down - through a library where children can be painted straight on - then by a kind of dusty old warehouse - and then a very steep staircase so almost 10 meters UP-climb), I have the six () Orchestra waiting (! Sorry, Carlos, Henry and Marcus ...) first hired a cleaning Lappe overtake and wipe the walls of the trench depth ...! trained

While the others (I do not, do not worry / hope ...!) I went with a friend of Allen in the oppressive heat of Shinzu, where after three minutes we both Switzerland on the forehead ran. So what makes you dan? ... Then sinned! We are both taken refuge in a McDonald's ... And since we have ventured to the Ice-coffee! Because it is really very harig in this performance again, after a half weeks' break, play the Chimei Philharmonic Orchestra would, and this piece for the first violins, our leader Roger, the group had just (!) Ordered an hour earlier. Of course, no ordinary sample space was available, so the whole group ended up in a sort of lecture room with fixed seating. And then one can not of course really "musical" sit, so you just stand still during the test! ... After half an hour after I saw a look were all diligently - and the leader stood on a chair and directed!

have here all the way, the great, on the desks aufklipbare light for the orchestra musicians - Yamaha "mighty bright." I had never seen before, but worked fine, instead of all the usual cables and cords in the orchestra pit! And was not expensive! Even the conductor got one!

The performance was terrific - a really brilliant conclusion. All have really been the last, and what came out of the orchestra was almost unbelievable. After my brief announcement in the scan test that "the panel today is sitting very open, and all the dynamics have to be cut in half" the whole evening was an energetic but wonderful differentiated metal sound that never mezzo forte, and thus the orchestra thundered. The strings have the piece really "lived" with mad passion, and the woodwind solos were so intimate and beautiful. And while the whole idea I had such a tremendous amount of eye contact - it was fantastic! At the end of the performance stomped and clapped in front of the orchestra of great joy, and we were then standing ovations - for Taiwan a sensation!

Finally had to return many signatures are distributed, and would in turn perpetuate some Teenys the conductor digital ... I also got some nice gifts from the dancers - Chinese tea, wonderful Cake, and a great "Happiness chain." And I was very touched.

It's funny how fast you are (or I) feel connected with passionate and enthusiastic people. From the orchestral musicians and the dancers all the time so come over a lot of energy, which I have already packed a lot. Also the choreographer Allen has provided me with his tough but honest, consistent and loving way, and his incredible passion and Zieleinforderung impressed mad. I am very grateful to all those people I have met and got to work with you - it was a terrific experience. After we all returned shortly after twelve were in Taipei, and had passed us in detail, I could not sleep of course not, and I have sent several emails. In just the first symphony concert Hagen ran under my successor, Florian Ludwig, and thought I was with him and my former orchestral colleagues.

way, I am now taking a good week "blog break" - I will fly to Thailand tonight, and serve a week without phone or computer. The end of August I go back to Taipei, and I am from the first of September and is ready for a new European adventure! There is much the same in September: Open air concert in Duisburg Sergey Nakariakov and Geert Chatrou, then in Bochum the complete Ma Vlast and an appearance at the international autumn days in Iserlohn Ralph Manno, Het Gelders Orkest, and then with Gavriel Lipkind and 5 Dvorak. But I am very excited!


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