Thursday, October 23, 2008

Gay Cruising Spots England

Rule number Six

A few years ago I followed a course in conducting with Benjamin Zander. Ben is the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, and currently does with the Philharmonia Orchestra in London on a Mahler cycle. He has written with his wife Roz a fantastic book, "The Art of Possibility." The book is all possible in principle (musician) life, and is a real recommendation for non-musicians!

In this book written, among other things, the fact that we humans take in our daily life is often much too important. If you look back too much wind makes for nothing, it's always good to have someone puts everything in proper perspective. The Zanders call

"Rule Number Six." Do not take yourself so goddamn seriously "

We conductors are there mostly not so good in. .. Herbert von Karajan, the famous conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic, rose again after a trial in his limousine, and spurred his driver to drive away quickly. "Drive ... Drive!" The driver replied. "No problem, Mr. von Karajan But where to?". The answer came immediately von Karajan. "That makes me do nothing - you need a conductor like me everywhere !"...

Although, as with conductors, thank God there are exceptions, also have other artist so your quirks. Just as, for example, the photographer who last Tuesday without any inhibitions placed almost between the double bass of the Lower Rhenish Symphony Orchestra while at the Flying Dutchman overture to produce a beautiful picture.

Or ... Music Critics ... is glorious here the famous satire "The music critic" by Georg Kreisler:

Today, every newspaper
Larger spread by music critics,
And so have I, too, the honor
And to you know career as a music critic.
ka I do have a clue what music is,
Because I am professional pharmacist,
But I know very well what is criticism rejoice
The worse, the more the people.
One of my duties,
Nice crush as a music critic,
Should I find something beautiful,
Do I's stop as a music critic.
not an artist I can outwit
I do not understand even what he does.
Therefore I say to each composer
Only after he is dead, he's good!
Yes, finally I got a job,
And the paper can be what it will cost.
I sit on the first place,
And the singers see my grimace.
Orff and Egk and Boris Blacher
fear filled my mocking laughter.
Hindemith, Stravinsky and Varèse
are good, but I'm bese.

Why am I writing all this?

Because I happened on the weekend something crazy! The following passage was namely in the Siegen newspaper , as criticism of the revival of the great novel-Hovenbitzer staging of Heggie's "Dead Man Walking" by Hagen, theater and orchestra:

Siegen - "Dead Man Walking" as a modern opera: Gripping and touching
Theater and the Philharmonic Orchestra Hagen impressed with the Apollo Heggie's opera.
... The Philharmonic Orchestra of Hagen under the direction of Antony Hermus subscribed flat sound patterns guide the audience during scene changes, the orchestra performs extensively throughout ....

Unfortunately I was not in victories this weekend, but in London ... The credit for this recovery fully merited and brought all my fellow Steffen Müller-Gabriel of this really heavy piece with great aplomb and security across the stage has! ...

And what you think, after ten minute was excited about a music critic, who has not even bothered to deal with the press department of the theater cast delivered days in order to ensure a certain respect for the artists? ...

Exactly ... Rule number six! ...


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