After a terribly long time no blog entry I once again try to pick up! The last weeks were so full, so intense and so labor-rich, I'm just not come to ... But now!
A small summary of the events of recent weeks, although I did not call anything can ...:
- Have a wonderful open air concert in Duisburg Duisburg conducted with the Philharmonic. Sergei Nakariakow, the Paganini of the trumpet, played brilliantly - despite almost cold - and Geert Chatrou, world champion whistler, was, as always unbeatable. More than 3,000 men were present, and many dear friends from Holland and Hagen had taken the trouble to attend the concert. After that we were the director of the Duisburg Dr. Alfred Wendel yet led to a Greek, and have refreshed a little overwhelmed kitchen. Great fun!
- A day after that it went even further in Bochum cope with the much vaunted Bochum Symphony Orchestra. We had a heavy schedule - the complete Ma Vlast by Bedrich Smetana, among other things, the famous Vltava River. It was back to work to time very nicely with the orchestra. Best news of the week was the there was new life in the family Weitzel, and then Dad was very proud ("I can only girl" award was wonderful!). During the week was a great chain of great meetings with dear friends is a source of bread needed more energy. Twice went to eat after the concert - after the first concert with the whole Bosy-team and after the second with very dear friends who had come especially in a fantastic sushi shop!
- Here's a clue to get recommend to a very book "A Complaint Free World by Will Bowen. Including strap (details on request!) - A real recommendation! After the bus from the Bochum Symphony Orchestra 25 minutes late, established names, was the Message of this book a fruitful hint to the musicians ...!
- Sample Visiting Mariss Jansons and the Concertgebouw Orchestra. They played Bruckner 4, and Jasper de Waal, who also plays in Hagen Strauss showed great musicality and very strong nerves at the beginning. So fine and quiet I've heard the theme of this symphony rare. And often I have such a great coach like Orchestra Jansons seen at work. Very flown and energetic, and incredibly efficient! Great! This week also been watching with Daniele Gatti - was gigantic inspiring!
- mid-September I was then directed at the International autumn days in Iserlohn. Ralph Manno was the Guest soloist on clarinet, and the music school orchestras in the city of Iserlohn, led by Paul Breidenstein has done well! It was incredibly nice to see so many old acquaintances Hagen this weekend!
- Continue to Arnhem, the first time that I conducted in a long time in Holland ... With Het Gelders Orkest a nice program was ready to include the 5th Symphony by Dvorak and Tchaikovsky Rococovariationen, played by Gavriel Lipkind, an absolutely huge talent who fails to recognize the risks of making music to the limits! It was so nice to make music once in Holland, especially in this cute and dedicated orchestra! After the first concert was some days off for almost a week (!), and last Wednesday was only the second concert. Tonight and Sunday follow now 3 and 4, and I'm really looking forward!
- now also been on a visit at Hans Liberg in Utrecht - and that was really fun!
- Last weekend was then in between a nice visit to Paris, where I have worked with Marc Paquien and the two assistants Inaki and Leah the version for Matrimonio Segreto. Marc is a very flown and charismatic director, and he has good ideas - I think this could be really great! Of course, I also visited my beloved agent, Fredo Sartor, and the wonderful atmosphere of this City of Light enjoyed. Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, it all had to be back in time ... I was running around on Monday as early as 7:30 am - what an energy and inspiration!
- I have further back in Arnhem, spontaneously contacted with my old comrades and co-founder WG-my former student orchestra Ananta, Michiel Köhne. It was incredibly beautiful to watch his family back to the concert last Wednesday, he brought spontaneously with another former WG-residents, Maarten Oldenhof. Seeing the two was a wonderful Überrasschung, which we celebrated with a visit to Arnhemmer nightlife!
So, that was a very brief summary of where I have many other wonderful Meetings and meetings could not even mention at all ...
Now on to the concert! Dvorak, here I come!
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