Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Penthouse Forum Letter Of The Month

Happy new !!!... Oh

Ingredients: 12 months

brush them clean of bitterness, avarice, pedantry, anxiety

and dissect each Month in 30 or 31 parts,

so supplies last exactly 1 year.

any part of it is done individually: of 1 part of work and

2 parts joy and humor.

We add 3 tablespoons of optimism

1 teaspoon tolerance,

a grain of irony,

1 pinch clock

and 1 grams trust in God.

Then the mass is very abundant

suffused with love.

The finished dish is decorative

with a bunch of small attentions

and serve it every day with joy.

(free after Katherina Elisabeth von Goethe)

Monday, December 29, 2008

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Freu (n) de ...

After a long time, "radio silence" now but, so between Christmas and New Year's Day, sitting in the train on the way to the Ninth of Ludwig (BB) in Nuremberg, finally some time for a nice blog entry ... there again a lot happened last month ...

early December there were concerts in Rennes and surroundings, with wonderful encounters old friends, among other Yuan and Gwennolé (former first conductor in Hagen) and Alain Surrans, the director of the Opera in Rennes. We played a wonderful program with a pure "Night Music" (including a small ...) and Schubert's super-heavy "Death and the Maiden" with a world premiere of Clarinet Concerto with Pierre Thierry Escaich Génisson. What a beautiful city! The Christmas Market atmosphärreich was incredible and I'm really looking forward to the film concerts in late January!

Next I prepared at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague with a chamber choir of singing Rossini opera students even Petite Messe Solennelle. Rarely have I seen such a huge development of a choir in the end, all students so incredibly enthusiastic and they sang it great! The concert was very good soloists and unbeatable Sepp Grotenhuis the Erard grand piano in the Nieuwe Kerk in The Hague and was a complete success! Of course, the after-concert afterwards!

In between is still a great story to tell about a party in Tilburg two former friends, a hotel CENTRAL opposite the railway station and not to be parked fire alarm in the middle of the night, including a night porter not to be found - but the follow later ...!
After a lightning visit to Nuremberg (there had to be rehearsed Beethoven's 9th with the teacher singing group choir for New Year's Eve), I had an intense but pleasant afternoon at Ruyterbos, a retirement home in Breda. My father again directed his men's choir at the local Christmas party, and if I did not want to be disinherited, I should better just on the piano some tones look right ... :-) It was very rewarding work! What an incredible atmosphere - coffee, hot cocoa with whipped cream, pine trees and quiet night, what more could you ask ... Well, maybe a tuned piano ... :-)

So I was not bored, I'm still a week been in Dessau. In this one week should prepare for a whole season will be packed ... so ... hot ... There was Vordirigate Time Management for 1 Conductor, audition, encounters with Ronald Müller, music editor, the design of the concert schedule, meetings with music teacher active musicians and institutions and above all much contact with the local press and radio! It was violent, but also very beautiful, and I'm looking forward very much to my new work environment! My compliments to Mr. Landgraf, who has made especially for me anything so I Christmas gift for my brother (a name tag for his new front door) was completed timely and properly ...!

And then it was Christmas! Beautiful home, with the whole family. We (Ahum, my sister ...) had considered something new - every käuft for a person a good gift, and otherwise at least three "nonsense" gifts, without a name. Then gedobbelt, and the one who has one or six, may accept such a gift easy. Then are then drawn maps, to which such incredible things can be like "give your greatest gift to the person right of you", etc ... Since you have made many gifts, one can not even unpack it too ... terrible! :-)

My sister had considered but also something nice: they had all of my previous blog entries printed in an album, and it looks fantastic! Everyone has enjoyed themselves amused by the evening, my mother had cooked again fantastic, and nephew Koen was very good - but * if * he then shouted once equal to 6 persons were with him around - that's really a gift! I succeed, unfortunately, not yet ... But I am working on it :-)

Yesterday there was the absolute highlight of the week: the semi-annual walk in the Ardennes, with the old Brabant organ friends Wout, Corry and sound ... Unfortunately we were somewhat thinned in number of viruses and other insects made the some of the friends, this "cash daughter" did not trust ... It was really icy cold (-7!) when we clock every morning at 8 in the car to the city in Belgium Ruy are gone. Since first were first told a lot of strong stories, and we have the recording of my farewell concert in Hagen we heard (and mitgeswingt of course :-)). After five-and-half hours walk, lots of steep climbs and very wet feet, we are then finally arrived in Malmedy - where we have eaten and drunk wonderful.

now on his way to 9th Beethoven with the Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra. "All men are brothers "!..... Happy!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

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No agreement on financing for developing countries

In the last night of negotiations could the Minister on key issues to the last major issue - some not - the financial support of mitigation and adaptation in developing countries. So far are too few funds for the necessary measures to enable developing countries to adapt to the impacts of climate change. And also for climate protection in developing and emerging countries, the States had on the last climate summit in Bali agreed that this can only be realized with financial support from developed countries. Nevertheless, the industrialized countries were not ready in Poznan, to a rapid expansion of financing involved or to commit themselves to negotiations on the specific long-term extension of funding. Developing countries could thus not be enforced with its proposals, which they brought to the climate summit. This is

been missed with the climate summit in Poznan is an important opportunity to advance international climate protection a key step. Although the formal requirements for a new climate agreement next December have been created. These still need to be filled - and this means that countries need much more quickly and seriously to find an agreement, as was the case in Poznan. In particular, the developed countries are do their part: They must commit to ambitious reduction targets and to devise concrete measures for the financing of climate change and adaptation in developing countries.

Friday, December 12, 2008

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"Yes we can" - but we do it?

Climate Conference is coming to an end. The stress takes anywhere too much time. It is well met even further on Saturday. German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel noted in his press conference on the negotiations that Poznan has produced the results that were expected. It had been clear negotiating mandates adopted for a draft treaty by June 2009 should be to him in December 2009 to implement international law. These mandates are, however, the Have been introduced, although many developed countries still did not want to commit to the achievement of potential CO2 reduction targets. Reason for Gabriel's positive attitude and the adoption of the EU climate and energy pact. Most NGO activists at the climate conference, however, see it differently. In the past few days so the wires were hot to prevent public protest worse.

positive from the perspective of the minister is also the progress of the Adaptation Fund, in which the developing countries will now probably finally have direct access if they take sufficient account of the use of funds. However, the financial volume of the Funds is not yet sufficient in any way and necessary rules for allocation of the same be adopted also the first in Copenhagen in 2009.

From the perspective of the international NGO community, the EU adopted the package now has a much braking effect on the negotiations. General comment is that the era of European leadership on climate change is over. Since the beginning of a given automatic commitment of the EU to 30% reduction by 2020, when the world in Copenhagen to a reduction target under the IPCC recommendations (25-40%) agrees, has now fallen out.

So it is an ambiguous result, which emerged in the last hours of the conference: on the one hand, the industrial countries with a positive Balance sheet and the ever repeated assertion of necessary action in all areas in the South and the North. Developing countries and NGOs on the other hand speak of deep disappointment, because many decisions are not on track and 2008 is a wasted year with no real progress on substantive issues. (To reach the limit global warming to 2 ° C) just in setting ambitious reduction targets for a post-2012 period and in the new financial architecture, it would have to be decisions for 2009 in Copenhagen to sign a fair and ambitious agreement to .

In the end, is this two-week marathon negotiations the certainty that, while all would somehow come to a new contract (and this can and must, like Al Gore in an emotional speech on Friday afternoon calls out to the conference participants). But it is not certain how much the individual states do, and how ready the north and the south for a departure from the confrontational respective positions.

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Fossil of the Day - Germany on the "dark side"

the end of the climate change conference today, the last award of the "Fossil of the Day" (dinosaurs of the day) instead. This honors the Climate Action Network (CAN) countries particularly damaging behavior in the climate negotiations. This time included the European Union of the winners and landed in second place for the EU climate and energy package. After they stressed at the climate summit, the need to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius, they adopted today in Brussels a package that means a future increase in temperature of 4 ° Celsius. This seems to have joined the EU states of the assessment of Italy's Prime Minister Berlusconi, who said that climate change is in a financial crisis so important as a visit to the hairdresser for a lung infection.

Germany came at the awarding special honors. He and Chancellor Merkel has been for the special "Dark Side of the Fossil Awards" special Earnings in the collapse of European leaders conferred in the climate negotiations. The environmental groups decry the fact that the EU climate package to build new coal power plants and therefore supports the continuation of fossil energy, the "darken the sky world and especially in Copenhagen." Chancellor Merkel has so changed to the "dark side". The question therefore arises: Will Germany and the EU to return to the green side of the fossil? Countries will form an alliance that climate change - and save the future of people in developing countries?

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climate refugees - a new challenge

fact that people from the effects of climate change, their homes and livelihoods to lose, is immediate. So had to flee for example, dozens of families of atolls, which are upstream Bouganville Iceland. Geographically, they are among the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea to New politically. The atolls are lost because of sea level rise in the sea. Neither the victims have been compensated, nor has the government cared about their resettlement, said Eric Kwa, a lawyer from Papua New Guinea. Had there been no close family ties and would not have a church community land for the climate refugees made available - they had been left to themselves. In Bangladesh there are, according to the National Climate Change Network Bangladesh, NCCB, also thousands who fled before the sea level rise on cities in the hinterland. And graze their livestock in Kenya first nomads due to lack of water already on urban green spaces.

worldwide are currently about 40 million people due to war and violence on the run. By 2050, it is estimated, will have to leave between 25 million and a billion people due to climate change and environmental degradation of their homeland! If this forecast is true even close, this would have far-reaching effects of social, political and legislative nature

At the climate conference in Poznan, the issue while in the opening speeches of the Polish and Algerian Minister of the Environment on behalf of the African countries addressed. However, it has not yet found any input into the negotiations. This is amazing, keeps you realize that have doubled the number of natural disasters in the last twenty years - of which are in turn in at least 75 percent of all cases to weather-related disasters.

risk reduction and disaster prevention in the future will gain much more importance - and, many poor countries with a new challenge. The link between disaster reduction and long-term, secure subsistence adaptation strategies in terms of sustainable development as "bread for the world "disaster relief and social welfare are now starting to be considered by the expert network of humanitarian organizations, Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) as a main approach to the problem of mass migration to counter climate change by preventing.

but also gains in terms of international relations, development and security policy, the topic of importance, such as reflected by the increasing number of these conferences is. Of course - again, the debate is just getting started. German development policy in any case there is still no strategy for this purpose.

Also in the international law and human rights debate climate refugees as a topic barely noticed. These are among the first climate refugees to precedents: What are those rights that have been lost due to man-made disasters all over their states, but also to the international community - or especially against the causes of climate change? Is not the "no harm" principle violated? And who pays for the damage: Can the 'Polluter Pays Principle "apply? Many questions with such magnitude that they require good answers! A thorough analysis of human rights seems to offer very urgent.

Thomas Hirsch, Bread for the world

Thursday, December 11, 2008

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climate negotiations violate the rights of indigenous peoples

This week, held in Poland in which the climate negotiations, has the 60th Time the Declaration of Human Rights - one of the most important documents in the development of international law - gejährt. Climate change has a dramatic impact on the poor in developing countries and will inspire others to implement key human rights including the right to food and water for many people almost impossible. This also applies in particular to the indigenous peoples whose fundamental basic rights in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the international community were recognized.

are to indigenous peoples are not only affected by the consequences of climate change but also through the implementation of mitigation measures. This concerns mainly through agricultural fuels, forest protection measures and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), carried out by the developed countries carbon offset projects in developing countries. Their impact on indigenous peoples land loss, forced relocation, etc.. In this way, the right to self-determination and their basic rights to land, access to resources and cultural identity is threatened. In the climate negotiations, but not so far recognized that indigenous People have fundamental and collective rights that must be observed by a climate agreement. For example, fought the U.S. in the negotiations, the existence of collective rights of indigenous peoples, and emphasized instead that these were only individual rights. Also in agreement to a system of forest protection and the prevention of deforestation (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and degradation, REDD) are found now only vague references. Also, no mention is transparency and good governance as well as the root cause of deforestation - corruption and illegal logging by the timber industry.

The international climate negotiations must recognize the rights of indigenous peoples in full and ensure that forest conservation projects are carried out with the participation and consent of these peoples. Anything else violates the fundamental human rights of indigenous peoples and also harms the climate. Together with other NGOs and organizations of indigenous peoples Bread for the World has signed a resolution that denounced it publicly and demands that the rights of indigenous peoples and respect for the UN declaration on the negotiating text for a future climate agreement to be resumed.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

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Save the climate now!

So today is our common motto, as I sit down with our partners in Cameroon and Michel Masum from Bangladesh and 150 international protesters at 6.30 clock in the train from Poznan to Warsaw. Our common goal that day is the presidential palace in the Polish capital. There are meeting today Angela Merkel, Donald Tusk, to their strategy to weaken the EU climate package in favor of the industry prior to final approval on Friday to vote.

Supported by the Polish Green Party, Greenpeace, WWF and Friends of the Earth / BUND we protested in Warsaw against the destructive attitude Donald Tusk and Angela Merkel and show the two heads of government that the NGO community in Poznan know exactly who should take the lead for the further development of the climate negotiations. It is the EU and particularly the German chancellor, who has changed within a month under intense pressure from industry lobby of the former pioneer of climate protection to the patroness of industrial interests. Accordingly, the focus of the demonstration is also a poster that is running the "Air Queen" Merkel "climate killer" demoted. But Tusk should not adhere to the coal. It represents 93% of the Polish energy needs. Thus, Poland has one of the highest CO2-emissions per Capita in Europe.

call with chants we Tusk and Merkel to adopt the EU's climate package with lofty goals and as our planet, while helping the economy. For tackling climate change is not a useless burden, but a highly profitable investment in the future and our economy. must act

Therefore, the EU finally and especially Merkel and Tusk to abandon its unilateral policy and coal may no longer bow to pressure from the industry. For the world's climate needs now finally committed action!

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little momentum in the first week

The World Climate Conference enters its second week. Because of an Islamic holy day yesterday there were no official negotiations. Behavior, experienced, business-as-usual and not very dynamic - way to describe the first days. Or as put by an NGO representatives, the delegates are in the eye of the storm, but can not find the storm. Or do not find it. Given the many challenges and fault lines no one examined the confrontation. Own positions are set, reports discussed the UNFCCC Secretariat, options are explored. was

exciting discussions, the future of the Framework Convention on Climate in the debate on the "shared vision of a long-term cooperative agreement". Developing countries (G77) and China stressed the need for financial and technology transfer and assistance to adapt. As regards the question of how emission reductions will be handled in developing countries after 2012, was signaled willingness to talk. Whether these proposals can be successfully developed, will depend on the developed countries. The U.S. delegation is nearly invisible, the EU behaves cautiously, Japan, Canada, Australia, Russia act as a brake. A key sticking point

the negotiations on the future of the Kyoto Protocol, which the reduction commitments on CO2 emissions for developed countries shall determine. Without a clear commitment to challenging targets of at least 25-40% reductions by 2020 from the industrialized countries, there will be no progress. The EU has with the EU climate and energy package announced reductions of 30% so far as well. The ongoing debate over exemptions and emissions trading but has cast doubt on the sincerity of implementation. block Japan, Russia, Canada and Australia, do not commit to targets and deadlines. The United States has ratified the Kyoto Protocol before. Under President Obama next year but with more accountable to the U.S. initiative.

to finance are various proposals on the table of G77 & China, Mexico, Norway, Bangladesh, Tuvalu, and even, unfortunately, none of the EU. The G77 and China expected with a wingspan of 0.5 - 1% of gross national product. The EU is likely to submit its own proposals in spring 2009.

also in technology transfer, a similar situation. Since August there is a detailed proposal of the G77 and China. The response from the developed world is waiting, indifferent or hostile. The challenge for developing countries is immense. For environmental reasons, they must move rapidly and quickly reduce their emissions or prevent future emissions by entering into a low-carbon economy. They need support and also have the right to know since they are responsible only for a fraction of the climate crisis and increase their development must move forward. Access to Energy-efficient technologies is crucial to deal with this transformation.

The negotiations will be the end of 2009 successful only if soon a trust is created and dynamics arises. Developed countries are encouraged to send positive signals for it. A good opportunity is starting on Thursday high-level segment to the number of ministers and heads of state are expected.

It would be desirable if Minister Gabriel positive messages mitbringt hinsichtlich Finanzierung und der Bereitschaft für einen Dialog zum Technologietransfer. Zusagen zum UN-Anpassungsfonds könnten ein wichtiges positives Signal sein.

Monday, December 8, 2008

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The road from Poznan to Copenhagen: LDC Drivers are skeptic about Drivers of the Developed Countries

In Poznan, till today anyone will feel a sense of frustration, disempowered sadness from the speech of the Least Developed Country (LDC) delegates, both in formal sessions or informal discussions at the COP 14. LDC delegates have express their frustration in such way, “every year we come to each COP to bring something visible to our people, but finally we return to our country with some decisions and papers and such situation has been continuing for years after years.” All of them expressed deep frustration regarding the adaptation fund which is a right of the poor people of the LDC but the LDC delegates have been pleading for this fund for the last seven years. It is ironic that the developed countries failed to arrange $172 million during the last 7 years whereas within couple of weeks USA, EU and Switzerland managed 1.2 trillion dollar to bail out their bankrupt corporate sector. In the eyes of developed country governments, financial crisis of the north is global crisis but climate change is not. Moreover, it seems that these one eyed Northern governments are on the verge of forgetting the principles of UNFCCC and overlooking their commitments for the billions of Southern peoples who are the victim of their different policies and practices. Such approach might make the short and smooth road from Poznan to Copenhagen, harsh and hardy. We should not forgot that people of the world is looking forward towards Copenhagen to see a united world committed for saving the global community from the adverse effects of the climate change. S. Jahangir Hasan Masum

Saturday, December 6, 2008

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The social movements are demanding more equity in climate negotiations

sit in the corridors and they discuss in small groups. Many are first time here, they try to capture the process dynamics to take influence. present in "side events" indigenous peoples, social movements, trade unions, environmental groups, development organizations, women's networks their views and demands. Many represent groups that are already affected by climate change. They contribute traditional costume as a young Maasai on which to draw your attention that here decisions are made that affect their lives. There are more and more. Campaigns are launched. At the Bali summit, the global campaign "Climate Justice Now" has founded. Yesterday, the Protestant relief organizations in Europe called the "Countdown to CO2PENHAGEN" to-morrow, 170 Catholic charitable organizations to campaign proclaimed.

on their "equity" summit, members of the global air network, CAN, and civil society representatives in October 2008 in Chennai, India, on the divisions and differences between social movements and discuss common goals. Broad agreement they have with the target of 2 ° C warming, the common and differentiated responsibility for climate change, recognition of the right to development, the pursuit of a policy that puts people first, the need for technology and financial transfer the urgency in the pursuit of ambitious goals for reducing emissions and in adapting to climate change. Disagreement was mainly to whether one should incorporate market forces and looks like the common way. The sense of solidarity was a driving force and they wanted to continue to develop a deeper political analysis together and decentralization and capacity building advance in the regions. Valentin Bartha reports that the Latin American movements are open to integrate different views in their movement, they think it is important to introduce the social dimension in the climate debate. CAN wants to pursue a strategy that calls for "equity" to the core, and work toward a just global agreement for the period after 2012. Thomas Athanasio notes that as a "community" has made progress in a joint learning process. The question that remains is whether the "community" to learn fast enough. This question is all set to make climate policy.

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Countdown to Copenhagen: Last chance for a fair and effective climate treaty

30 million people more the hungry, 60 million more patients are due to diseases such as malaria, 75 million Bangladeshis (50% of the population) with an anticipated rise in sea level of at least 1 meter of environmental refugees.
frightening numbers - they show a small part of what lies ahead if the world community does not succeed in Copenhagen to agree on a fair and effective commitments for the period after 2012.

is urgent. In order to increase pressure on governments in Europe, was on Friday gestart in Poznan, the campaign "Countdown to Copenhagen". Among other things called Meena Raman (Friends of the Earth International) and Sivan Kartha (Stockholm Environmental Institute) in emotional statements about fairness and prompt action in solving the climate crisis.
'Countdown to Copenhagen "is a campaign by Christian Aid and other European development levels, working in the ecumenical network Aprodev together. Climate protection projects that promote renewable energy and support in adapting to the unavoidable impacts of climate change are increasingly important in the cooperation project. Currently, however, is needed primarily to lobby. It is a rethinking of the industrialized countries, a significant and rapid reduction of their CO2 emissions, financial support for developing countries in their efforts and solutions for an accelerated transfer of technology.
The organizers aim to mobilize large numbers of people and emphasize the urgency that is the time for a breakthrough in climate negotiations now.
The website anyone can give his personal pledge Copenhagen and ask the governments of developed countries at a fair and effective outcome.

Economic growth and improving living conditions in poor countries lead to increased CO2 emissions. It is therefore of vital importance for humanity, that developing countries as a direct low-carbon development path take. They must be supported by developed countries, because it is five ticks inexorably from 12 and the Clock. The climate crisis threatening mankind and the crisis of development are interdependent. Both crises can not be solved separately. By the start of the campaign in Poznan, the pressure on Britain and other EU members be increased to finally reach a breakthrough on climate change and implement their own commitments. The only way to ensure that there is a sufficient global reduction without the South, a right is denied to development.

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the UN Adaptation Fund to ensure compliance with human rights standards

Negotiations to the UN Adaptation Fund are stuck at the end of the first week of negotiations. The fund had been decided a year ago at the climate conference in Bali in the last minute to fund adaptation measures in the worst affected by climate change in developing countries. This followed a dispute between North and South, which has allowed where it had gone mainly to the governance structure of the fund and the details of disbursements. Actually, the fund no later than early next year, should have become operational. This now seems increasingly questionable but what angered many developing countries very much. largely

While the issue of governance structure and to the satisfaction of southerners is solved - they are the majority in the top decision making body - the disagreement occur about how the money of the fund will be spent evident. Developing countries demand largely unconditional "direct access" because they want to avoid to be constrained by donor countries through conditionalities imposed unilaterally. Industrial countries argue again reversed without criteria, the risk was great that the funds are not used effectively. Among non-governmental organizations, the question of conditionality has been discussed comparatively little - so far the question of adequate funding was the focus. Just organizations express deep concern from the south but that money alone is not sufficient if it is not guaranteed that it really matters where, where adaptation does most in need.

In the struggle for solutions now could be the human rights approach to argue for the "Bread for the World," Diakonia disaster relief and German Watch said in their joint study on climate change and food security, enhanced start talking. The focus here is on the application of minimum human rights standards as criteria for the Adaptation Fund. Such standards are derived from the Human Rights Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and its further legal interpretation in the so-called "general law comments" such as the right to food in 1999. The use of human rights minimum standards to qualify the allocation of funds in the Adaptation Fund would have several advantages: First, human rights standards
are strongly geared to provide the accommodation needs of the most vulnerable population groups in the center. This can be achieved that will primarily help those on their own are not able to protect itself from climate change
Second, they include procedures to strengthen the rights of individuals who demand transparency and make the state accountable. This can cause be that structural discrimination - should be avoided in the course of adjustment programs - such as minorities.
Third human rights standards are already applicable international law and widely recognized. Because of their universality principle, its application would be on the Adaptation Fund so no additional conditionality. It was just a matter of making their implicit application explicitly - for example by clear references to international legal framework and the inclusion of appropriate criteria in the standards of the Fund. The two sides could agree - developing countries as developed countries, because both the distinction in international law enshrined human rights are required. A similar method has been practiced by the FAO, had adopted its 190 member states in 2004 "Voluntary Guidelines on the Right to Food" for better training of national food security strategies.

At a side event in Poznan, "Bread for the World" and German Watch have at the presentation of their study, "Climate Change, Food Security and the Right to Food" advertised for such action and learn many permission. Because this approach is potentially suitable to dissolve the blockage in the negotiations of the Adaptation Fund, the concept is now racing in the form of a formal "Submission" be introduced into the negotiations. The next week could be followed by meetings with government delegations.

Thomas Hirsch, "Bread for the World"

Friday, December 5, 2008

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Bits and Pieces for the bunker fuels

be How are the emissions from international aviation and shipping in the Kyoto Protocol covers? So far, not because they no country can be identified. The so-called "bunker fuels" are not subject to emission limitations. This is a post-2012 agreement is no solution, especially as the emissions from bunker fuels are growing rapidly. Next year at the World Climate Conference in Copenhagen have come decisions.

The Climate Action Network (CAN) collected and observed a bunker-working group, as the negotiations proceed, talks to delegates and trying to get to the CAN network to date. Aviation and climate change may have been discussed intensively in the media, in the climate negotiations, it is more of an issue for exotics. Bits and pieces are present in all bodies, there is no concrete negotiations. The agenda topics for bunker sound fuels rather dry, not to say daunting, such as "Consideration of information on potential environmental, economic and social consequences, including spillover effects, of tools, policies, measures and methodoligies available to Annex 1 Parties". In other words, this is about externalities and other consequences of climate change policies. This also applies to international tourism. If the tourist areas suffer losses if the bunker fuels are included in emissions trading?

Under the agenda item entitled "Emissions from fuel used for international aviation and maritime transport" in two minutes were allowed to ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) and IMO (International Meteorological Organization) report what they do and intend. The shortness of the time, however, excused only in part that the reports were rather thin content. The ICAO language developed by a computer issue, emission models with different time horizons and by a conference the use of biofuel for aviation. The IMO shone with the announcement to bring a package of measures on the road.

from a plethora of expectations to include bunker fuels is nothing to remember. Delegate count more so that the bunkers should be included if at all, rather last minute in a post-2012 agreement. Or maybe not. For a successful new climate deal in Copenhagen, they are considered as secondary. The conference in Poznan is more like an awareness-raising event. The proponents for inclusion in a post-2012 agreement by looking for allies, the issue of trying to find other topics to suggest. Until then, it is still a and more difficult path. Also in the CAN network is not the subject of the top runners. With only 5 people in this working party is rather limited, in addition to large plcs as adaptation and technology transfer. New Items in the group are to lovingly recorded as "bunker-babies" of the "dinosaurs".

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Civil societies and humanitarian people of the Developed World commit: You can change the climate of the climate change conference

Physically we are living in one world but Economically we are living in three worlds: Developed, Developing and Least Developed. Some integrates these three into North and South. Whatever the name of demarcation, we can not deny that we are living in a divided world where human beings are receiving differential treatment throughout their life just because of their place of birth.

However, there is yet some ray of hopes can be traced in the gloomy sky of the Physical World. And for that one has to give credit to the civil societies and humanitarian people of the Developed World. When Northern Governments are trying to avoid the voice of the Southern Governments in climate change negotiations, civil societies and humanitarian people of the North are working hard to provide space for the Southern Voices to change the climate of the climate change conference. The government of the Developed (in UNFCCC technical terms Annex 1) Countries should learn from their civil societies and humanitarian countrymen to make a better climate for the world. 

We would like to urge to humanitarian and compassionate people of the Developed world that if your government does not want to feel the pain of the people living with climate vulnerability, please educate them and make them aware. We the Southern people have faith on your capacity and believe that you can do it and you will do it. S. Jahangir Hasan Masum

Thursday, December 4, 2008

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adaptation to climate change - Will the communities in the rain?

Already 30 years have seen the old man in northern Canada Algonquinindianer of the changes in snow quality and weather regime and warned. Today we know that climate change threatens the populations of caribou and the living of their peoples. Although in most languages of the world, the term climate change can not be transferred easily, so make Communities around the world that their habitats change and their existence is threatened. presented

On a side event, the Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies experiences from community-based "projects in South Asia and Africa. Communities harvest water, create dams and ponds, make use of adapted varieties and traditional agricultural techniques, lay on beds of water hyacinths on the water, grow pumpkins on sandbars in the river and much more. Countries such as Bangladesh recognize the importance of effective and credible non-governmental organization on the ground, working with the communities. Across the continent was made the experience that an independent learning process in communities is central to supplement the traditional knowledge and scientific approaches to climate change each other. NGOs have experience and methods to develop with communities adapt. Because people are on site already confronted, to search for new paths. But often there is no equivalent of state structures and policies at regional and national levels.
There is a large, unresolved challenges, such as customized solutions can be made available to other communities. But measure the touchstone on which the least developed developing countries here in Poznan negotiations, is direct access and the level of resources made available.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

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"What are we doing here?" - From the viewpoint of the South are the ongoing climate negotiations is a farce

The panels, which has convened the world renowned Third World Network (TWN) to discuss the political aspirations of the negotiations which sits in the shape of the cumulative experience of five delegates representing more than 60 years of negotiations.

Bernarditas de Castro-Muller sitting around since the first climate conference since before the age of 16 in the Philippine delegation and expresses its assessment to the point: since 1992 the reduction targets for greenhouse gases by developed countries remained the same. But instead implement the negotiations had been abducted again and again. Meanwhile, emissions increased continuously. That Castro-Muller yet every year takes part in weeks of negotiations, the charismatic woman explains it, "that the South had not given up just to fight for survival."

also former Indian Environment Minister Surya is not short of harsh criticism of the negotiations many industrial countries: "On the common goal of global climate policy, we have agreed already 16 years ago in the adoption of the UNFCCC UNFCCC. If we are talking about today is still about what should be the long-term shared vision, one has to ask itself whether we are still normal. "

Martin Khor of Third World Network says what almost everyone thinks the breaking-filled space: In view of the increasingly menacing effects of climate change, the time for talk is useless and has finally come the time for action. It will be different than many in the north, he sees no means Europe in a leading role. Rather, it lies on the south to enforce the vision of a climate-friendly world against an unholy alliance between government and industry in the north.

Thoughtful, one may argue, where the optimism comes to believe that it would make the elites of the South better. And rather whether the time had to overcome the ideological climate in the block thinking of South and North, because the World in the age of globalization is far more complex.

One of these days, however, is obvious: Europe and especially Germany, are poised to lose any climate policy credibility. While that is spoken so far only in Poznan, Berlin and Brussels to create long facts. It lacks little, and the once ambitious EU climate package has been riddled by industry lobbyists successfully. Who far-reaching exemptions from the climate for German coal power plants, German car manufacturers and particularly harmful industries total sought, his face has lost ground to the south and should not be surprised to such devastating to hear criticism from the South.

(Thomas Hirsch, Georg Richter)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Heritage Infusio 11 Pc Cookware

trillion for banks, bread crumbs for developing countries - where is the credibility?

Financial Mechanism of the Convention, in particular the Global Facility GEF Envirnoment raised during the meeting of the SBI (Supplementary Body of Implementation) on Tuesday. The LDC Fund established there for developing countries support the implementation of urgent projects on adaptation to climate change, as identified in the national action plans NAPAs.
A delegate of the Philippines, criticized that the fund is seriously underfunded, with a volume of $ 170 million, when compared with the billions that were spent to rescue the banks. The administrative Cost of preparing the NAPA and the projects will accrued in any relation. It would even be a fortune for workshops, to which access to these funds is discussed. It was the money of developing countries. One representative of Nigeria expressed his displeasure at the attitude of developed countries (especially on the new G20). He calls on those States an equally decisive action against climate change as against the global financial crisis. There, the State had proved that they can act quickly and effectively. It was finally time that they stood to their promises and cashed in particular their financial pledges to the LDC Fund. The financial EQUIPEMENT of Funds had become a question of credibility.
Bhutan is the first country that funds for the implementation of urgent projects on adaptation to climate change is replaced, but it will be funded only 3 of 9 projects. When they decided in 2001, Marakesh funds for necessary and urgent adaptation measures, they had to tackle the key challenges in the hope of developing less-developed countries. Now is the choice of words "necessary and urgent" rethink. Then questioned Kiribati's mission and operation of the fund: it is for the Fund to instruct countries and support the fund the implementation of projects?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Translate Bisaya To Tagalog

Emotional opener in the NGO community

The 14th UN climate change conference has not at 01 Started in December, but a day early - at least for the developmental and environmental organizations. More than 200 people came to the University to the traditional joint strategy meeting of the Climate Action Network (CAN). In the well-filled lecture hall was one very clear: The road from Bali to Copenhagen via Poznan. Now the important foundations are laid so that a new climate agreement in Copenhagen will be adopted.

long-lasting applause was given a NGO representatives from India when he urged those present not yet speak of "burden sharing" when it comes to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas goes. Who will share here what a burden he asked. If people are suffering in developing countries from the consequences of climate change, then that is a real burden. Who wants to share this lot with the people concerned can then speak of "burden sharing". Emission reductions are against the efforts that will make the developed countries to avoid further burden on developing countries.

was frenetically applauded the finding of an American, that this is the last COP for Bush. In addition to emotions and self-assurance of one's actions, there were intense debates about the issues for negotiation in Poznan. Sub-groups developed strategies Adaptation, technology transfer, emission reduction and forest conservation.

One day before the official opening of the climate conference, the civil society lobbyists well placed and demonstrate a determination for an effective and above all fair trial results at the 14th to fight climate change conference in Poland.