Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sims 3 Adventures/ Third Relic

The social movements are demanding more equity in climate negotiations

sit in the corridors and they discuss in small groups. Many are first time here, they try to capture the process dynamics to take influence. present in "side events" indigenous peoples, social movements, trade unions, environmental groups, development organizations, women's networks their views and demands. Many represent groups that are already affected by climate change. They contribute traditional costume as a young Maasai on which to draw your attention that here decisions are made that affect their lives. There are more and more. Campaigns are launched. At the Bali summit, the global campaign "Climate Justice Now" has founded. Yesterday, the Protestant relief organizations in Europe called the "Countdown to CO2PENHAGEN" to-morrow, 170 Catholic charitable organizations to campaign proclaimed.

on their "equity" summit, members of the global air network, CAN, and civil society representatives in October 2008 in Chennai, India, on the divisions and differences between social movements and discuss common goals. Broad agreement they have with the target of 2 ° C warming, the common and differentiated responsibility for climate change, recognition of the right to development, the pursuit of a policy that puts people first, the need for technology and financial transfer the urgency in the pursuit of ambitious goals for reducing emissions and in adapting to climate change. Disagreement was mainly to whether one should incorporate market forces and looks like the common way. The sense of solidarity was a driving force and they wanted to continue to develop a deeper political analysis together and decentralization and capacity building advance in the regions. Valentin Bartha reports that the Latin American movements are open to integrate different views in their movement, they think it is important to introduce the social dimension in the climate debate. CAN wants to pursue a strategy that calls for "equity" to the core, and work toward a just global agreement for the period after 2012. Thomas Athanasio notes that as a "community" has made progress in a joint learning process. The question that remains is whether the "community" to learn fast enough. This question is all set to make climate policy.


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