This week, held in Poland in which the climate negotiations, has the 60th Time the Declaration of Human Rights - one of the most important documents in the development of international law - gejährt. Climate change has a dramatic impact on the poor in developing countries and will inspire others to implement key human rights including the right to food and water for many people almost impossible. This also applies in particular to the indigenous peoples whose fundamental basic rights in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the international community were recognized.
are to indigenous peoples are not only affected by the consequences of climate change but also through the implementation of mitigation measures. This concerns mainly through agricultural fuels, forest protection measures and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), carried out by the developed countries carbon offset projects in developing countries. Their impact on indigenous peoples land loss, forced relocation, etc.. In this way, the right to self-determination and their basic rights to land, access to resources and cultural identity is threatened. In the climate negotiations, but not so far recognized that indigenous People have fundamental and collective rights that must be observed by a climate agreement. For example, fought the U.S. in the negotiations, the existence of collective rights of indigenous peoples, and emphasized instead that these were only individual rights. Also in agreement to a system of forest protection and the prevention of deforestation (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and degradation, REDD) are found now only vague references. Also, no mention is transparency and good governance as well as the root cause of deforestation - corruption and illegal logging by the timber industry.
The international climate negotiations must recognize the rights of indigenous peoples in full and ensure that forest conservation projects are carried out with the participation and consent of these peoples. Anything else violates the fundamental human rights of indigenous peoples and also harms the climate. Together with other NGOs and organizations of indigenous peoples Bread for the World has signed a resolution that denounced it publicly and demands that the rights of indigenous peoples and respect for the UN declaration on the negotiating text for a future climate agreement to be resumed.
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