"What are we doing here?" - From the viewpoint of the South are the ongoing climate negotiations is a farce
The panels, which has convened the world renowned Third World Network (TWN) to discuss the political aspirations of the negotiations which sits in the shape of the cumulative experience of five delegates representing more than 60 years of negotiations.
Bernarditas de Castro-Muller sitting around since the first climate conference since before the age of 16 in the Philippine delegation and expresses its assessment to the point: since 1992 the reduction targets for greenhouse gases by developed countries remained the same. But instead implement the negotiations had been abducted again and again. Meanwhile, emissions increased continuously. That Castro-Muller yet every year takes part in weeks of negotiations, the charismatic woman explains it, "that the South had not given up just to fight for survival."
also former Indian Environment Minister Surya is not short of harsh criticism of the negotiations many industrial countries: "On the common goal of global climate policy, we have agreed already 16 years ago in the adoption of the UNFCCC UNFCCC. If we are talking about today is still about what should be the long-term shared vision, one has to ask itself whether we are still normal. "
Martin Khor of Third World Network says what almost everyone thinks the breaking-filled space: In view of the increasingly menacing effects of climate change, the time for talk is useless and has finally come the time for action. It will be different than many in the north, he sees no means Europe in a leading role. Rather, it lies on the south to enforce the vision of a climate-friendly world against an unholy alliance between government and industry in the north.
Thoughtful, one may argue, where the optimism comes to believe that it would make the elites of the South better. And rather whether the time had to overcome the ideological climate in the block thinking of South and North, because the World in the age of globalization is far more complex.
One of these days, however, is obvious: Europe and especially Germany, are poised to lose any climate policy credibility. While that is spoken so far only in Poznan, Berlin and Brussels to create long facts. It lacks little, and the once ambitious EU climate package has been riddled by industry lobbyists successfully. Who far-reaching exemptions from the climate for German coal power plants, German car manufacturers and particularly harmful industries total sought, his face has lost ground to the south and should not be surprised to such devastating to hear criticism from the South.
(Thomas Hirsch, Georg Richter)
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