Countdown to Copenhagen: Last chance for a fair and effective climate treaty
30 million people more the hungry, 60 million more patients are due to diseases such as malaria, 75 million Bangladeshis (50% of the population) with an anticipated rise in sea level of at least 1 meter of environmental refugees.
frightening numbers - they show a small part of what lies ahead if the world community does not succeed in Copenhagen to agree on a fair and effective commitments for the period after 2012.
is urgent. In order to increase pressure on governments in Europe, was on Friday gestart in Poznan, the campaign "Countdown to Copenhagen". Among other things called Meena Raman (Friends of the Earth International) and Sivan Kartha (Stockholm Environmental Institute) in emotional statements about fairness and prompt action in solving the climate crisis.
'Countdown to Copenhagen "is a campaign by Christian Aid and other European development levels, working in the ecumenical network Aprodev together. Climate protection projects that promote renewable energy and support in adapting to the unavoidable impacts of climate change are increasingly important in the cooperation project. Currently, however, is needed primarily to lobby. It is a rethinking of the industrialized countries, a significant and rapid reduction of their CO2 emissions, financial support for developing countries in their efforts and solutions for an accelerated transfer of technology.
The organizers aim to mobilize large numbers of people and emphasize the urgency that is the time for a breakthrough in climate negotiations now.
The website anyone can give his personal pledge Copenhagen and ask the governments of developed countries at a fair and effective outcome.
Economic growth and improving living conditions in poor countries lead to increased CO2 emissions. It is therefore of vital importance for humanity, that developing countries as a direct low-carbon development path take. They must be supported by developed countries, because it is five ticks inexorably from 12 and the Clock. The climate crisis threatening mankind and the crisis of development are interdependent. Both crises can not be solved separately. By the start of the campaign in Poznan, the pressure on Britain and other EU members be increased to finally reach a breakthrough on climate change and implement their own commitments. The only way to ensure that there is a sufficient global reduction without the South, a right is denied to development.
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