Emotional opener in the NGO community
The 14th UN climate change conference has not at 01 Started in December, but a day early - at least for the developmental and environmental organizations. More than 200 people came to the University to the traditional joint strategy meeting of the Climate Action Network (CAN). In the well-filled lecture hall was one very clear: The road from Bali to Copenhagen via Poznan. Now the important foundations are laid so that a new climate agreement in Copenhagen will be adopted.
long-lasting applause was given a NGO representatives from India when he urged those present not yet speak of "burden sharing" when it comes to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas goes. Who will share here what a burden he asked. If people are suffering in developing countries from the consequences of climate change, then that is a real burden. Who wants to share this lot with the people concerned can then speak of "burden sharing". Emission reductions are against the efforts that will make the developed countries to avoid further burden on developing countries.
was frenetically applauded the finding of an American, that this is the last COP for Bush. In addition to emotions and self-assurance of one's actions, there were intense debates about the issues for negotiation in Poznan. Sub-groups developed strategies Adaptation, technology transfer, emission reduction and forest conservation.
One day before the official opening of the climate conference, the civil society lobbyists well placed and demonstrate a determination for an effective and above all fair trial results at the 14th to fight climate change conference in Poland.
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