climate refugees - a new challenge
fact that people from the effects of climate change, their homes and livelihoods to lose, is immediate. So had to flee for example, dozens of families of atolls, which are upstream Bouganville Iceland. Geographically, they are among the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea to New politically. The atolls are lost because of sea level rise in the sea. Neither the victims have been compensated, nor has the government cared about their resettlement, said Eric Kwa, a lawyer from Papua New Guinea. Had there been no close family ties and would not have a church community land for the climate refugees made available - they had been left to themselves. In Bangladesh there are, according to the National Climate Change Network Bangladesh, NCCB, also thousands who fled before the sea level rise on cities in the hinterland. And graze their livestock in Kenya first nomads due to lack of water already on urban green spaces.
worldwide are currently about 40 million people due to war and violence on the run. By 2050, it is estimated, will have to leave between 25 million and a billion people due to climate change and environmental degradation of their homeland! If this forecast is true even close, this would have far-reaching effects of social, political and legislative nature
At the climate conference in Poznan, the issue while in the opening speeches of the Polish and Algerian Minister of the Environment on behalf of the African countries addressed. However, it has not yet found any input into the negotiations. This is amazing, keeps you realize that have doubled the number of natural disasters in the last twenty years - of which are in turn in at least 75 percent of all cases to weather-related disasters.
risk reduction and disaster prevention in the future will gain much more importance - and, many poor countries with a new challenge. The link between disaster reduction and long-term, secure subsistence adaptation strategies in terms of sustainable development as "bread for the world "disaster relief and social welfare are now starting to be considered by the expert network of humanitarian organizations, Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) as a main approach to the problem of mass migration to counter climate change by preventing.
but also gains in terms of international relations, development and security policy, the topic of importance, such as reflected by the increasing number of these conferences is. Of course - again, the debate is just getting started. German development policy in any case there is still no strategy for this purpose.
Also in the international law and human rights debate climate refugees as a topic barely noticed. These are among the first climate refugees to precedents: What are those rights that have been lost due to man-made disasters all over their states, but also to the international community - or especially against the causes of climate change? Is not the "no harm" principle violated? And who pays for the damage: Can the 'Polluter Pays Principle "apply? Many questions with such magnitude that they require good answers! A thorough analysis of human rights seems to offer very urgent.
Thomas Hirsch, Bread for the world
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