Friday, December 5, 2008

Can You Stay Away From Mrsa Permanently

Civil societies and humanitarian people of the Developed World commit: You can change the climate of the climate change conference

Physically we are living in one world but Economically we are living in three worlds: Developed, Developing and Least Developed. Some integrates these three into North and South. Whatever the name of demarcation, we can not deny that we are living in a divided world where human beings are receiving differential treatment throughout their life just because of their place of birth.

However, there is yet some ray of hopes can be traced in the gloomy sky of the Physical World. And for that one has to give credit to the civil societies and humanitarian people of the Developed World. When Northern Governments are trying to avoid the voice of the Southern Governments in climate change negotiations, civil societies and humanitarian people of the North are working hard to provide space for the Southern Voices to change the climate of the climate change conference. The government of the Developed (in UNFCCC technical terms Annex 1) Countries should learn from their civil societies and humanitarian countrymen to make a better climate for the world. 

We would like to urge to humanitarian and compassionate people of the Developed world that if your government does not want to feel the pain of the people living with climate vulnerability, please educate them and make them aware. We the Southern people have faith on your capacity and believe that you can do it and you will do it. S. Jahangir Hasan Masum


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