trillion for banks, bread crumbs for developing countries - where is the credibility?
Financial Mechanism of the Convention, in particular the Global Facility GEF Envirnoment raised during the meeting of the SBI (Supplementary Body of Implementation) on Tuesday. The LDC Fund established there for developing countries support the implementation of urgent projects on adaptation to climate change, as identified in the national action plans NAPAs.
A delegate of the Philippines, criticized that the fund is seriously underfunded, with a volume of $ 170 million, when compared with the billions that were spent to rescue the banks. The administrative Cost of preparing the NAPA and the projects will accrued in any relation. It would even be a fortune for workshops, to which access to these funds is discussed. It was the money of developing countries. One representative of Nigeria expressed his displeasure at the attitude of developed countries (especially on the new G20). He calls on those States an equally decisive action against climate change as against the global financial crisis. There, the State had proved that they can act quickly and effectively. It was finally time that they stood to their promises and cashed in particular their financial pledges to the LDC Fund. The financial EQUIPEMENT of Funds had become a question of credibility.
Bhutan is the first country that funds for the implementation of urgent projects on adaptation to climate change is replaced, but it will be funded only 3 of 9 projects. When they decided in 2001, Marakesh funds for necessary and urgent adaptation measures, they had to tackle the key challenges in the hope of developing less-developed countries. Now is the choice of words "necessary and urgent" rethink. Then questioned Kiribati's mission and operation of the fund: it is for the Fund to instruct countries and support the fund the implementation of projects?
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