little momentum in the first week
The World Climate Conference enters its second week. Because of an Islamic holy day yesterday there were no official negotiations. Behavior, experienced, business-as-usual and not very dynamic - way to describe the first days. Or as put by an NGO representatives, the delegates are in the eye of the storm, but can not find the storm. Or do not find it. Given the many challenges and fault lines no one examined the confrontation. Own positions are set, reports discussed the UNFCCC Secretariat, options are explored. was
exciting discussions, the future of the Framework Convention on Climate in the debate on the "shared vision of a long-term cooperative agreement". Developing countries (G77) and China stressed the need for financial and technology transfer and assistance to adapt. As regards the question of how emission reductions will be handled in developing countries after 2012, was signaled willingness to talk. Whether these proposals can be successfully developed, will depend on the developed countries. The U.S. delegation is nearly invisible, the EU behaves cautiously, Japan, Canada, Australia, Russia act as a brake. A key sticking point
the negotiations on the future of the Kyoto Protocol, which the reduction commitments on CO2 emissions for developed countries shall determine. Without a clear commitment to challenging targets of at least 25-40% reductions by 2020 from the industrialized countries, there will be no progress. The EU has with the EU climate and energy package announced reductions of 30% so far as well. The ongoing debate over exemptions and emissions trading but has cast doubt on the sincerity of implementation. block Japan, Russia, Canada and Australia, do not commit to targets and deadlines. The United States has ratified the Kyoto Protocol before. Under President Obama next year but with more accountable to the U.S. initiative.
to finance are various proposals on the table of G77 & China, Mexico, Norway, Bangladesh, Tuvalu, and even, unfortunately, none of the EU. The G77 and China expected with a wingspan of 0.5 - 1% of gross national product. The EU is likely to submit its own proposals in spring 2009.
also in technology transfer, a similar situation. Since August there is a detailed proposal of the G77 and China. The response from the developed world is waiting, indifferent or hostile. The challenge for developing countries is immense. For environmental reasons, they must move rapidly and quickly reduce their emissions or prevent future emissions by entering into a low-carbon economy. They need support and also have the right to know since they are responsible only for a fraction of the climate crisis and increase their development must move forward. Access to Energy-efficient technologies is crucial to deal with this transformation.
The negotiations will be the end of 2009 successful only if soon a trust is created and dynamics arises. Developed countries are encouraged to send positive signals for it. A good opportunity is starting on Thursday high-level segment to the number of ministers and heads of state are expected.
It would be desirable if Minister Gabriel positive messages mitbringt hinsichtlich Finanzierung und der Bereitschaft für einen Dialog zum Technologietransfer. Zusagen zum UN-Anpassungsfonds könnten ein wichtiges positives Signal sein.
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